Why do you focus just on private sector funders? And why just on mental health services?
We are keen for the Future Mental Health Collective to complement the great work being done by other existing networks. By focusing our efforts on i) private sector funders and ii) those who fund mental health services, we can work hand in glove with the International Alliance of Mental Health Research Funders, which connects those funders focusing on research, and with United for Global Mental Health, which does an incredible job supporting public sector and multilateral mental health funders.
Can I nominate a representative to be the members on behalf of my organization?
No. Membership is strictly for funders themselves or those with delegated funding responsibility (e.g. the CEO / mental health program director of an organization that is making grants to mental health organizations). However, there are many events where you can nominate a representative or bring a +1 to attend. We will always make it clear on invites when events are for members only.
Can I nominate another funder who I think would like to join the Future Mental Health Collective?
Absolutely! Just email us at collective@kokorochange.com.
Is there any financial commitment or minimum time commitment to being a member of the Collective?
No and no! We just ask that you are open to radical collaboration and being there for each other because each one of us knows that being a mental health funder is not easy.